Working With Ceramics

Ceramics in Museums


Famous museums are generally known for their fine art paintings. Renoir, Van Gogh and Monet are just a few of the artists whose canvases grace the walls of museums. Fine art in painting has been admired for centuries and that admiration continues even today. There are many artists who create in ceramics, but their names are less known. Most people might have heard of the Ming Dynasty, but that is as far as their knowledge goes.

There are many museums that carry works of art in ceramics. Historic ceramic art heavily favors the Chinese culture. Ancient treasures in this art form and culture are known by the periods of time when they were created, not by individual artists. Ceramics were an important part of Chinese culture and began with the Han Dynasty. Throughout the centuries, Chinese artists produced their work during several more important dynasties. The Tang, Song, Yuan and Ming dynasties stretched through seven centuries of Chinese exploration of this field.

Other cultures produced ceramic and pottery art, but they are not as well known. Many of their pieces are actually displayed in museums that concentrate on history. Throughout history these cultures produced works of art that have more historical value than artistic value. They are the pieces that were left from cultures long extinct or barely known. This does not mean they are not works of art, but simply that their historical value has more significance at this time.

Fine art ceramics are still being created today by artists who find prefer a medium with a wide range of opportunities. Form and function are just a small part of this world. Beauty is obtained in many different colors and shapes with malleable clay that is fired and glazed in kilns around the world. Museums continue to display these beautiful works of art by both new and ancient artists.